It was our wedding anniversary yesterday, so naturally we spent the day cleaning the fridge and oven. I'm ashamed to say that I did indeed buy the drill for Husband. He followed the advice of Cat's Whiskers (see previous post comments) and went for Le Creuset. And jelly beans.
But it's not all bad - we were spring cleaning in preparation for Husband's parents, who are coming to stay this weekend. They'll be looking after the Son for a few days whilst we go skiing. Yes, dear reader, I ditched the idea about skiing in half term and on Saturday, Husband and I fly out for a week in France, sans kid.
All excellent stuff, but it does mean that the house has to be PERFECT before the In-Laws arrive. Well, it does according to Quality Assurance Standard BS900015731354878421, (also known as Daughter-In-Law Benchmark Standard) which states that 'The Wife must prove that all living standards are of a measure equal to or higher than those provided when the Husband was in the care of the Mother-In-Law.'
Look it up, it's true.
Actually, my MIL is fantastic and I love her. I love her particularly as she put up with my appalling behaviour during a holiday in Australia a few years ago. A holiday which she and my father-in-law paid for (flights and all). We forgot to mention that I was mid fertility treatment and in the throes of a forced menopause (don't ask). I'm sure that she thought I was a Mary Poppins DIL before then. Two weeks of mood swings, tantrums and sulks showed her that I was NOT practically perfect in every way. Oh dear.
Although she was understanding, it took another year and a week in the Lake District when I was a very good girl, to show her that I was almost normal and her poor son (nicknamed The Chosen One by his long suffering sister), was not trapped in a loveless and abusive marriage.
Anywho, back to my point. The Great Spring Clean is almost complete. We've used every Lakeland product which had festered unused in the utility room cupboard and the kitchen is now sparkling as much as the new (safety) pin currently being used to stop my Gap blouse gaping in some inappropriate places.
Time to start on Son's bedroom. If you don't hear from me for a few days, send in a search party.
Spring is on its way
5 days ago